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Content Models

A Content_Model represents a grouped collection of data that can have save and delete actions applied to it. It generally represents a posted "thing", such as a Tweet, a Mastodon post, a blog post, or something like that.

Working With Models

Models can be saved, or deleted using their respective save and delete methods. Each of these methods broadcast a Model_Event that can be observed by platforms. It's up to the platform to actually instruct the model on what to do when these actions are called.


Models are also responsible for determining if they are identical to another given model. This makes it possible, when syncing, to determine if a model was changed and needs updated. This is done using the equals method.


Extending Models

A model is an abstract class, and should be extended by data source integrations. For example, there is likely to be a Twitter data source, with a Tweet model in the future. This model will include a series of traits and interfaces that describe what makes up a Tweet, making it possible to set, and get the various properties that make up a Tweet.

It might look something like this:

class Tweet extends Content_Model implements Identifiable_Int Has_Attachment Has_Content Has_Author Has_Published_Date Has_Tags Has_Origin Has_Location{
use With_Identifiable_Int
use With_Content
use With_Author
use With_Published_Date
use With_Tags
use With_Origin
use With_Location

public function equals(Tweet $tweet): boolean
return $tweet->get_id() === $this->get_id() && $tweet->get_published_date() === $this->get_published_date();

This defines what the model is, but it doesn't describe how to actually handle the save/delete actions. Those actions are done by the platform integration by hooking into the events, like so:

// Save
Content_Model_Event::instance()->attach(Twitter::class, 'save', function(Content_Model_Provider $provider){
/** @var Tweet $model */
$tweet = $provider->get_content_model();

// Do things with the tweet, perhaps adapt it, and then save the content in the way your platform does that.
// Note that save accounts for both creating, and updating content. It is up to you to determine if it needs saved!

// Delete
Content_Model_Event::instance()->attach(Twitter::class, 'delete', function(Content_Model_Provider $provider){
/** @var Tweet $model */
$tweet = $provider->get_content_model();

// Do things with the tweet, perhaps adapt it, and then delete/archive the content.