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The REST data source makes it possible to convert a REST request into a Content_Model_Collection.


Let's say we have this model:

final class Sample_Model extends Content_Model implements Has_Name, Has_Content, Identifiable_Int
use With_Content;
use With_Name;
use With_Int_Identity;

We can import data with this model using a REST endpoint with the REST data source. To do this, we have to create several classes that ultimately assemble our data source. A good example of how to implement this can be seen in this set of integration tests.

These strategies include:

  1. a data source adapter. This defines how to convert the REST object into a content model.
  2. a batch request builder. This builds the request for batch requests, and handles any arguments needed to get the next batch.
  3. a content model instance. This is the class string for the content model that should be used to build the items in the collection. Using the example above, this would be Sample_Model::class
  4. a has more strategy. This determines if there are more items in a batch request.
  5. a http strategy. This actually makes the HTTP request and gets the body.
  6. a single request builder. This builds the request for fetching a single post.
  7. a batch response adapter. This gets the raw array of data from a batch response

Example pulled from the test. In practice, this would probably be in a builder, but Adiungo doesn't enforce how you do this.:

$source = (new Rest())
->set_data_source_adapter(new Test_Data_Source_Adapter())
->set_batch_request_builder(new Batch_Request_Builder())
->set_has_more_strategy(new Has_More_Strategy_Mock())
->set_http_strategy(new Http_Strategy_Mock())
->set_single_request_builder(new Single_Request_Builder())
->set_batch_response_adapter(new Batch_Response_Adapter_Mock());

Once you have your source compiled, you can fetch the data.

// Create a request object, and attach it to the batch request builder.
$request = (new Request())
->set_param((new Param('page', Types::Integer))->set_value(1));


// Now get the batch of data, as a content model collection of Sample_Model.

You can also fetch a single item in a similar fashion. Note that the difference here is the request and we're also calling get_single_request_builder instead of get_batch_request_builder.

// Create a request object, and attach it to the single request builder.
$request = (new Request())


// Now, get the item
$id = 123;